Anatomy of the Dog Images
Brain Chapter 18


Click to View: Finished Transverse Sections
(Last updated: 8/11/10)

Click to View: Finished Screen & Print Images
(Last updated: 5/22/11)

Click to View: Chapter Text (PDF with new-image links)
(Last updated: 4/5/11)

Alvin J. Beitz, PhD and Thomas F. Fletcher, DVM, PhD
Department of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Minnesota
235c AS/VM Bldg.
St. Paul MN 55108
Phone (612) 624-9765
Fax: (612) 625-0204


This web site is intended to update editors regarding image development progress for Anatomy of the Dog Chapter 18 Brain and to obtain editor comments. Images are divided into two category:

1] Thirteen brain transections bitmapped images

2] Cartoon or Bitmapped images with print resolution PDFs

Click a menu choice to view the images per category. For the finished images (1] & 2]) actual-size version of each image and its caption can be viewed in a pop-up web page. Also, a link to download a PDF print version of each image is provided, in case it is needed. (Final versions of the images will be submitted to Saunders as TIFF or EPS documents.)

In addition to images, a PDF of the chapter text with active links to new images/captions can be viewed by clicking the last menu item, above.

Assumptions & parameters we are using for chapter images:

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