Spinal Cord Anatomy CLOSE
Spinal Cord Segments and Spinal Roots
Dural mater (dm) is reflected to expose segments and roots in a length of equine spinal cord. The arrow points to the dorsal median sulcus. The orange pic (asterisk) marks the dorsolateral sulcus, where dorsal roots enter the spinal cord. Each spinal cord segment gives rise to right and left dorsal and ventral spinal roots. Each spinal root is composed of rootlets (r). The dorsal root (DR) and the ventral root (VR) unite to form a spinal nerve (SN). A spinal ganglion (SG) is located distally on each dorsal root. Colored pics mark: spinal ganglia (red), the separation between dorsal and ventral roots (black), and the location of the denticulate ligament. The specimen rests on white cardboard.
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