Feline thoracic limb. The brachial a. (1) gives rise to the collateral ulnar a. (2) in the brachium. Arteries given off in the proximal antebrachium include: deep antebrachial (3), cranial interosseous (4), caudal interosseous (5) and ulnar (6). After the caudal interosseous branch, the brachial a. is renamed median a. (7). A large radial a. (8) is given off in the distal antebrachium. The median n. (9) accompanies brachial and median aa.
Also notice: ulnar n. (10), superficial digital flexor m. (11), the deep digital flexor m. (12) the transected pronator teres m. (13) [obscuring the supracondylar foramen (asterisk)], and the extensor carpi radialis m. (14).