Figure 18—46. Transverse section through the cerebellum and rostral medulla oblongata of a dog. The cerebellum consists of bilateral hemispheres and a midline vermis. The nodulus is the most caudoventral lobule of the vermis. The flocculus is a ventral lobule of each hemisphere. Three cerebellar nuclei, fastigial (F), interpositus (I) and the lateral (dentate) (L) are located bilaterally within cerebellar white matter. Cerebellar cortex covers the white matter surface. Caudal cerebellar peduncles (P) are evident within the medulla oblongata. (The axons streaming dorsal to each peduncle constitute acoustic stria; they come from dorsal cochlear nucleus and vestibular nerve.) (Luxol Blue – Crysyl Violet stain.)
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